What is fitness?
The classic article, “What is Fitness?” by Greg Glassman, is a staple of CrossFit theory and practice. It is one of the thousands of articles located in the CrossFit Journal: a free library of information related to CrossFit and all things fitness. Being such an important article we wanted to get it into our blog for quick and easy reference and open the topic for discussion. So open up the article using the link below, take a read through, and tell us what you think! For many, this article quickly puts into perspective why we do what we do in the gym.
CrossFit is the only fitness program that has defined fitness in a way that is measurable, observable, and repeatable. That’s a big deal. What if your business was tuning and repairing cars but you couldn’t define a “car?” That sounds ludicrous, but other programs claim to chase the goal of fitness without ever clearly defining what they seek to achieve. Furthermore, how can we measure our results and compare them against a standard if we do not define that standard? This article will help you define exactly what is CrossFit and potentially make you view fitness in a whole new lense. So enjoy and post your thoughts below!